"In conclusion at Bridge pub Heathrow"
In this painting holiday I stayed four nights in Kirkcudbright (pronounced kirr-KOO-bree). Broughton House is there, which was purchased by E. A. Hornel, one of the prominent members of the artists' group the Glasgow Boys. Later the studio and the gallery were added and a Japanese-style garden was landscaped. Hornel visited Japan for about one and a half years almost a century ago. If you add up all my visits I have been in Britain over one year in total. The reason why I revisited this town after 2010 was to try to find out what induced Hornel to come to Japan and to discover if he felt rewarded.
I asked the receptionist, who might have been a curator, this. She said at that time many people, especially young artists, were eager to visit Japan, and Honel, in his late 20s, was supported by a wealthy Japanese philanthropist involved in the construction business. He experienced Japanese culture and brought his many paintings back to Scotland, and held the exhibition which was a great success.
As I expected, he felt uncomfortable many times in Japan. He missed meat dishes, for example.
In summary I made a fresh resolve to keep on trying, right to the end of my life to paint pictures, swishing any brush across the paper, and to speak English fluently, though it is still imperfect even at this stage. |