2017 |
Schedule |
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" May
22(Mon) and 23(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" 2F Shimamori Bldg, 1-9-3 Komachi,Kamakura,Tel 0467-81-5661
Shuji will introduce various pubs in Britain and demonstrates the pub sketches?@and draw with students. Each day will have 8 participants. The tuition, all equipment and materials inclusive, is 3,000 yen.
œ Painting holiday the UK
This holiday is planned as the two consecutive courses. Each course will have 4 participants. The participants of the first flight (course) will board with me from Narita Airport. On the return flight, I will see them off at the Airport. The participants of the second flight (course) will board by themselves from Narita Airport and I will wait for them at London Heathrow Airport. On the return flight, they will board with me from London Heathrow Airport. The price per person is about ¥400,000 including a return flight ticket, 14 nightsf accommodation with breakfast, transportations in the UK, many demonstrations, group critique sessions, and a tuition.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" July
7/3(Mon), 4(Tue), 10(Mon), 11(Tue), 17(Mon), 18(Tue), 24(Mon), 25(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to May.
œ Workshop "Intensive Summer Figure Drawing"
This workshop is held from 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00 8/9(Wed) - 8/19(Sat) except 8/13(Sun)"Leeve Gallery" 71 Yoshida-Machi, Naka-Ku, Yokohama Tel 045-253-7805.
This workshop is aimed at introducing quick figure drawing by Fude-brush and chalks on tinted B3 size papers in the morning session and by watercolour on B4 size watercolour papers in the afternoon session. Our sessions usually start with a demonstration by Shuji and followed by 24 five-minute pauses, and end up with a joint review. All equipment and materials are provided. Each 3 hour session will have 12 participants. The price per person per session is 3,000 yen.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" August
8/21(Mon) and 8/22(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to January.
œ Painting holiday Bali
The first group will board with me from Narita Airport, on the return trip I will see them off at Dempasar Airport. The second group will board by themselves from Narita Airport. I will wait for them at Denpasar Airport. On the return trip they will board with me from Denpasar Airport.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" September
9/18(Mon), 19(Tue), 25(Mon), 26(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to January.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" October
10/2(Mon), 3(Tue), 9(Mon), 10(Tue) ,16(Mon), 17(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to January.
œ "70's Group" Show
10/23(Mon)-10/29(Sun)11:00-18:30 Monday from13:00, Sunday until 16:00 "Ginza Art Hall" 5-5-12 Ginza, Chuo-Ku, Tokyo-To Tel. 03-3571-6493
œ Annual One-man Show #23
10/30(Mon)-11/5(Sun)11:00-19:00 11/5(Sun) until 16:00 Leeve Gallery 71 Yoshida-Machi, Naka-Ku, Yokohama-Shi Tel.045-253-7805
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" November
11/6(Mon), 7(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor En.out details please refer to January.
œ Workshop "English Watercolour in Yokohama"
This three weeks' consecutive workshop is held in Yokohama, aimed at introducing British watercolour painting to Japan. Each 5 days' course will have 8 participants. The tuition for 5 days' course, all equipment and materials inclusive, is 15,000yen.
The venues are "British House Yokohama" in Horbour View Park, "Ginou Bunka Kaikan" in Kannai and other public meeting places in Yokohama. Our day usually starts with a demonstration. If the weather is fine followed by painting around Yamate Bluff, The Port of Yokohama, and further afield is Red Brick Warehouse. By late afternoon we return to The British House or other meeting and working places to finish the paintings and have a joint review. In this workshop Shuji will introduce various places where he visited around the Britain, and demonstrates how he managed the paintings at the spots, use of colours and various watercolour techniques.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" December
12/4(Mon), 5(Tue), 11(Mon), 12(Tue) ,18(Mon),25(Mon), 26(Tue)10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to January.
2018 |
Schedule |
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" January 2018
1/15(Mon), 16(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to May 2017.
œ One-man Show "Tokyo,Yokohama,Kamakura"
1/21(Mon)-2/18(Sun)11:00-18:00 Closed on Wed. Private view night1/20(Sun)17:00- "Leeve Gallery" 71 Yoshida-Machi, Naka-Ku, Yokohama-Shi Tel 045-253-7805
œ Co-ordinated Work Shop "Tokyo,Yokohama,Kamakura in loose style technique"
1/21(Mon)-2/18(Sun)11:00-18:00 except Wednesdays.
Shuji will introduce various places in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kamakura and demonstrates the on the spot sketches and paint with students. Each day will have 8 participants. The tuition, all equipment and materials inclusive, is 3,000 yen.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" February
2/26(Mon), 27(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to May 2017.
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" March
3/5(Mon), 6(Tue), 12(Mon), 13(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to May 2017.
œ Painting holiday "Paint Spring in Yokohama and Kamakura"
3/26(Mon)-4/3(Tue) 10:00-15:00 3/23(Thu)-4/3(Mon) 10:00-15:00 except 4/1(Sun) 8 days in total.
The period would be changed depend on the flowering condition. The tuition, all equipment and materials exclusive, is 2,000 yen.
œ Cherry Blossom Group Show
4/9(Mon)-4/15(sun)11:00-18:00 4/15(Sun) until 16:00 Leeve Gallery 71 Yoshida-Machi, Naka-Ku, Yokohama-Shi Tel.045-253-7805
œ Workshop "Pub sketch with minimum watercolour equipment" April
4/16(Mon), 17(Tue) 10:00-15:00 "Trevor English Studio" About details please refer to May 2017.
œ One-man Show "Painting holiday Nagano" #4
4/21(Sat)-5/9(Thr) Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00 Sat, Sun and National Holidays 10:00-15:00 Gallery Yu 3091-5 Oaza-Hirao, Yamanouchi-Cho, Shimotakai-Gun, Nagano-Ken Tel 0269-33-2400
œ Painting holiday Nagano
This holiday is planned as the four consecutive courses. Each course will have 9 participants. I will meet up with each group and part them at JR Nagano Station. The price per person is ¥40,000 including tuition, many demonstrations, group critique sessions, 3 nights' accommodation with breakfast and dinner, and minivan transportations in Nagano.
(All painting holidays and workshops are on a first-come-first-served basis. In case of a small number of participants, they may be canceled.) Inquiries Shuji Uehara E-mail: <paintingholiday@yahoo.co.jp>, Fax <045-623-7562>,
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